1. What day is it today? Today is _________________
2. What was the date yesterday? Yesterday was __________________
3. What day will tomorrow be? Tomorrow will be __________________
4. What is the date today?Today is the _________ of __________________of 20___
5. How many days are there in a week? There are ____days in a week.
6. How many days are there in a month?
There are _____ or ____ days in a month, but February can have _____or _____days.
7. How many months are there in a year? There are _____months in a year.
8. When is Christmas?Christmas is on the ________of_____________________
9. When is Halloween?Halloween is on the ________of _____________________
Hola Alicia soy Nerea, he estudiado the date. Muchos besitos para Adam y para tí. Hasta mañana.
Soy Daniel y he estudiado